GIFs: Thousands to enjoy & how to get involved

15. April 2023, von The Identifier

The GIFs page on FreeOnes contains over 2,000 short, animated images.

You can submit your own GIFs to the page by clicking the Add GIF button.

All you have to do is give the GIF a suitable title and upload it using the tool provided. If you happen to know who it is in the GIF you are uploading, you can select their name from the ‘cast’ list. The babe will then be labelled in the GIF. Not only will others be able to see who it is in your submitted clip, the GIF will also show up in the FreeOnes feed of the babe in question.

You can also select up to 3 suitable categories for your chosen GIF. The same goes for tags; where you can choose up to 10. If a channel exists on FreeOnes which is appropriate, you can select that too. For example, if your GIF comes from Bang Bros, then simply choose Bang Bros from the list of options. All these things can be nominated using the appropriate search for box on the Add GIF page.

Please note that your submissions won’t appear straight away, as they will need to be processed by a member of our team first; but provided you have done everything correctly – your GIF will be appearing on the site before long.

Not only can you click through to see all the various tags and information associated with each GIF, you and others are able to comment on them, as well as click on any associated tags to see more GIFs of the same type.

There are also several search tools down the right-hand side of the page which you can use to narrow down your searches such as a text search field and the ability to filter by the duration of the GIF.

So, head over to the GIFs section now, see what delights there are on offer and get involved yourself!

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